Sunday 10am services are live in person, and also broadcast to youtube. Please click this link for our: Youtube Channel
Redeemer news
Mark your calendars and save the dates!
Our community welcomes all as everyone has a place at God’s table.
We invite you to worship with us in person or online (10am Sunday), join us as we ask questions about our faith and discern where God is leading us, and share food and table fellowship with us.
We are all here at Redeemer for different reasons but many of us share a love of music and the arts, are curious people who enjoy asking questions and reading, hunger for community and connections, and like to eat meals together. We would love to meet you and be community together as we live out God’s abundant grace!
On the First Sunday of the month our services are more accessible and family-oriented to help newcomers, kids, and children of God of all ages learn about the basics of our faith and praise God with joy! We have intergenerational learning and food after the service in the fellowship hall.
All are welcome at God’s table.
Our parish, and our world are richer when every voice is heard. Redeemer Lutheran Church is committed to growth, understanding, and reconciliation.
What’s happening at Redeemer?
⸭ Transfiguration Sunday with pancakes and jazz, Sunday, March 2, 2025.
⸭ Ash Wednesday, March 5th, 12:30 pm Imposition of Ashes and simple, contemplative worship in the Fellowship Hall. Bible Study to follow.
⸭ Sunday, March 9th, First Sunday of Lent, Imposition of Ashes during worship.
⸭ Martin Luther’s Small Catechism ON HOLD until further notice due to scheduling conflicts. It will happen! We will keep you posted.
⸭ Wednesday Bible Study We are on Spring Break and will NOT meet on March 12th or 19th. We will start again on March 26th with the book of Leviticus.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada statement on Human Sexuality